District Update Banner

Issue No. 27, March 07, 2025

Good afternoon and happy Friday,

I hope you had a great week and are enjoying the somewhat milder weather as we inch closer to Spring. I will start my update today by expressing gratitude to our school social workers. This week is School Social Worker Appreciation Week, a well-deserved week of recognition. Our school social workers promote equitable education and opportunities and ensure the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of our students. They advocate for students and offer compassion, empathy, support, understanding, and guidance. Thank you to all of our school social workers for all that you do.

Today is National Maintenance Worker Day. We all know the important role that our maintenance workers, cleaners, and custodians play in our schools. Our team across the district works tirelessly to keep our buildings and grounds clean, safe and working properly. Our team is the best and I am extremely grateful for all you do. Your work is important and directly impacts our first Strategic Plan pillar, Student and Graduate Success. A healthy and positive school environment is fundamental to student success.

March is also Women's History Month, a time dedicated to highlight the contributions of women in history, culture, and society. This is a good time to remember those who paved the way in the struggle for gender equity and recognize those who continue to break barriers today. It is held in March to coincide with International Women's Day on March 8. Let's continue to empower our girls and young women to advocate for their rights. Let's support and provide mentoring opportunities that help build confidence and motivate girls to take on leadership roles in school, sports, and in the community. It starts with us.

Student Attendance

As we move toward Spring, the warmer weather and to the midpoint of the marking period, I want to stress the importance of students coming to school every day. We all want our students to do well in school so it's very important that we all understand and continue to stress the connection between chronic absence and a student's academic achievement. This begins as early as pre-K and kindergarten.

Missing 10% of school, which is 1 or 2 days every few weeks, can make it harder for our youngest learners to gain early reading and math skills, build relationships, and develop good attendance habits. The routines children develop at early ages will continue throughout school. It's important that education is a priority and that we all encourage students to attend school every day.

Any parent who is struggling to get your child to school, please reach out to your school's attendance specialist, school counselor, teacher, or principal. We will work with you and your child to get on track.

project be here

School Social Worker Week

Maintenance appreciation day

Women's History Month

The Paige Panda had a fantastic attendance celebration this morning with a pancake breakfast and certificates for students who have perfect attendance. While we know perfect attendance is not always possible especially during flu and cold season, when it does happen, it is something that should be celebrated.

Paige Attendance Celebration

Paige Attendance Celebration





Lacrosse Merger

I'm pleased to share that our lacrosse program is expanding to now include three teams. Schalmont will join the Schenectady/Mohonasen merger currently in place. The merger has been approved by the Suburban Council, Section II and recently by our board of education. The decision for the districts to partner and create a merged team  is to leverage enrollment, strengthen the program for the districts, and to provide an outstanding experience for the lacrosse players. I, Mr. McFall (our athletic director), and the coaches are very excited for this opportunity.

The program will use both the Mohonasen and Schenectady fields for practice and games and will share expertise and resources for equipment and team uniforms.  

All three teams have a proud tradition of excellence in athletics, and this partnership is designed to build upon that.  The districts will continue to collaborate to ensure a smooth process for athletes, families, coaches and the communities.

The Spring sports season kicks off March 17

Meeting with Transportation Vendors

Earlier this week, Al Valachovic, our transportation supervisor, and I met with our transportation vendors to discuss what is working and where we need to improve. We work with six vendors who understand the important role they have in the success of our students' education. If kids don't get to school, and on time, they don't learn. I appreciate that they all took time from their busy schedules to collaborate and engage in a productive session. Teamwork and coordination are essential.


Transportation Meeting

Code of Conduct, Character and Support

As we prepare to work on and develop the Code of Character, Conduct, and Support for the 2025-2026 School Year, we are seeking input from parents/guardians/caregivers and faculty and staff. Here is a feedback form for you to share any thoughts and suggestions.

Culture and Climate Survey

Thank you to all who have provided feedback on the Culture and Climate Survey. We continue to seek feedback from faculty/staff, parents/guardians/caregivers, students in grades 5-12, and community members regarding your experiences in our schools.The survey will be open through March 14.

Go here to take survey: https://hanover-research.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZO3Jt6r5fmRmHs

National School Breakfast Week

Along with the recognitions and celebrations, this week is also School Breakfast Week, bringing awareness to the importance of nutritious school breakfast and fueling students for academic success. All students in our district receive breakfast and lunch each day at no cost.

Did you know children who eat breakfast are more likely to:

  • Reach higher levels of achievement in reading and math

  • Score higher on standardized tests

  • Have better concentration and memory

  • Be more alert and maintain a healthy weight

Clue In School Breakfast

Patriot Tech Camp

Last Saturday, 115 employees participated in Patriot Tech Camp. The professional development day featured twenty sessions focused on using instructional technology to engage students and boost classroom outcomes. Special thanks to all of our faculty members who presented and to those who spent their Saturday morning engaging and learning.

Patriot Tech camp

patriot tech camp2

Patriot Tech camp 3

Patriot Tech Camp4

Vote for Central Park's Video in the "What's So Cool About Manufacturing" Contest

Please vote for the video that Central Park Middle School students created. The video is an entry into the Capital Region's What’s So Cool About Manufacturing® student video contest. CPMS students were teamed up with local manufacturer Environment One. They worked hard on this and their video is amazing.

Voting is open until midnight tonight.


Budget Vote and School Board Election

2025-2026 Budget discussions are currently underway. Presentations that take place at Board of Education meetings are posted online in our budget section here. There are still many unknowns regarding the development of the budget. New York State Foundation Aid and other aids play a significant role in budget development and we don't have those figures yet. We will keep you updated as we move along.

The Budget Vote and School Board Election will take place on May 20. There are two Board of Education seats up for election at that time. If you are interested in running for one of the seats, click here for more information. Petitions are due by April 30.

How to run for school board

Registration for April STEAM Camp is open

Click here to register now.

Steam Camp is open to students in grades K-5.

Programs will be held at the following locations:

  • Keane (serving Keane and Lincoln)

  • Paige (serving Paige and Woodlawn)

  • King (serving King and Pleasant Valley)

  • Hamilton (serving Hamilton and Van Corlaer)

  • Yates (serving Yates, Howe, and Zoller)

Breakfast and lunch are included.

Transportation will be provided to those who qualify based on the district transportation policy.

Space is limited.

Weapon Screening at Oneida

The roll out of our weapons screening system and new entry process has been successful in its first week of implementation at Oneida Middle School. The students and staff were prepared. They've been practicing and doing walk-throughs for a few weeks which led to a smooth implementation process . Rollout at Mont Pleasant and Oneida middle schools will begin once the equipment arrives and is in place.

Passionate People
As part of our Strategic Plan and connecting our work and roles to the pillars, we proudly recognize Shelette Pleat, Principal of Hamilton Elementary School, as our Passionate Person of the Week. We are grateful to Shellete for her hard work and dedication to the students and families of Hamilton Elementary School.

Passionate People

Shelette Pleat

Shelette Pleat

Teacher Recognition

We're excited to recognize Gretchen Zebrowski, a Pre-K teacher at Woodlawn Elementary School, as our highlighted Teacher of the Week. Gretchen has been teaching for 25 years in our district. We appreciate her continued commitment to our youngest students.

Passionate People

Gretchen Zebrowski

Alumni Profile

Meet Precious Riehl, SHS Class of 2008, who is now a Program Manager in the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility at the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.

Precious is another example of #studentandgraduatesuccess #SCSDAlumni

Student and Graduate Success

Precious Riehl

Learn more about our Student and Graduate Success pillar and the 2030 Strategic Plan here. I encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with our Strategic Plan and reflect on they connect to its pillars. Everyone in our school community has a role. Student and graduate success requires the commitment and dedication of all of us.

Voter Registration with National Honor Society at SHS

Members of Schenectady High School's National Honor Society worked with the Schenectady County League of Women Voters to bring a voter registration event to Schenectady High School. The event, which ran for two days, gave students who are 18 and over an opportunity to register to vote. Students under 18 could pre-register.

Student and Graduate Success

League of Women Voters at SHS

Voter registration with honor society

Voter registration event

Kindergarten Registration Is Open

Is your child turning 5 before December 1st of this year? If so, they are eligible for kindergarten!

To register, please visit our Central Office in person at 530 Liberty Street.

For a list of required documents and more information, visit: Student Registration.

We look forward to welcoming your child to Schenectady City Schools!

Superintendent's Coffee Chat

Join me for coffee and conversation! My next coffee chats will be held on:

  • Thursday, March 27, at 6:00 p.m.

  • Friday, March 28, at 7:00 a.m.

Location: Family and Community Engagement Center, 530 Liberty St.

Everyone is welcome! Stop by for a cup of coffee and a casual chat about any topic you'd like. Hope to see you there!

Passionate People

ADHD Workshops for Parents and Guardians

ADHD Workshop for Parents and Guardians

City of Schenectady Public Survey

The city of Schenectady is seeking input as the city develops a new comprehensive plan. The public survey is intended to help gather input from the public on priorities, challenges, strengths, and a vision for Schenectady's future. You can participate in the survey here.

Black Family Wellness Expo and Speaker Series

The Albany District Chapter of The Links, Inc. is holding a speaker series and Black Family Wellness Expo on March 15 at Schenectady High School.  The event will include an interactive panel with health care professionals, 50 exhibitors, refreshments, and more.  The event will be held 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.  The speaker series will take place 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Open to Everyone

Black Family Wellness Expo

Black Family Wellness Expo

A few reminders before I close:

  • March 12: Board of Education Work Session, 6:30 p.m.

  • March 13: Secondary Interim Reports mailed

  • March 14: No School in observance of Phagwah/Holi. District offices will also be closed.

I hope you have a great weekend. Please find time to relax, rest, rejuvenate, and have some fun. Don't forget to turn your clocks forward on Sunday.

See you next week,

Carlos M. Cotto, Jr.
Superintendent of Schools

Calendar Reminders

District Events

  • Traveling Art Show on display at Proctors through May 13

March 12

  • Board of Education Work Session, 6:30 p.m., 530 Liberty St.

March 13

  • Secondary Interim Reports Mailed

March 14

  • No School/District Office Closed (Phagwa/Holi)

March 17

  • Superintendent Student Advisory Council, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Boys and Girls Club

  • Fire Chefs: Cooking with Intention, 3:30 - 5 p.m., Mont Pleasant Middle School

School Events

March 11

  • Paige Parent University with Vivian Parsons, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

March 12

  • Central Park Spring Fling, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

  • Howe International Night, 6 - 8 p.m.

  • Lincoln Festival of Colors, 1:30 p.m.

March 13

  • Schenectady High School Holi Celebration, 3:30 p.m.

  • Pleasant Valley Music in Our School Concert, 9 a.m.

March 15

  • MLK Pre-K Readiness Program, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.


March 11

  • Boys Modified Swimming, 4:30 p.m. at Shaker High School

March 13

  • Boys Modified Swimming, 4:30 p.m. at Schenectady High School


ESYO Playathon

Event Flyer

The Schenectady Foundation Scholarship Opportunities for Schenectady Students



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