History of the Americas IB HL 2 CHS
This course is a college-level course conducted in the high school setting designed to create lifelong learners through in-depth study of History of the Americas, students will engage in rigorous investigation of Sectionalism and the American Civil War 1850-1877; the Cold War and the Americas: 1945-1981; and The Civil Rights movement 1945-Present. Students will continue to advance their skills in writing, listening, and speaking through the successful completion of research papers, projects, debates, mock trials, and interviews. Practice in critical thinking, document analysis, and use of substantive evidence and historiography in developing a thesis will continue from foundations laid in Pre-IB coursework. A strong work ethic and active participation is required of all students in sharing their work through peer review, study circles and presentations. In addition studnets must have an average of 80 (B-) or better in the first three quarters of Hist of Americas IB HL 1 as well as the recommendation from the IB HL 1 (year 1) teacher.