Big Picture Schenectady

Letter from Big Picture Principal, Sarah Horaczek
Learn more about Big Picture Learning Here
Updates and Reminders:
In the News: Educator sees Big Picture in school program,
In the news: Schenectady Students Step into a New Setting
Interested in becoming part of our Big Picture family? Student recruitment for 2025-2026 has begun. Fill out our interest form here.
We believe that students learn best when they engage in relevant and rigorous work in a culture of care, respect, and belonging. At Big Picture Schenectady, students work in small advisories, and create Individual Learning Plans where they can think about their world and their ability to influence it using their own strengths, passions, and experiences. Students experiment, grow and learn through these foundational opportunities. They will gain valuable college and career skills through authentic learning experiences that are connected to the community, and co-created with their advisors and mentors. Finally, families are essential partners in all aspects of the secondary educational experiences at Big Picture Schenectady, and participate in multiple facets of school life.
Big Picture Schenectady is committed to the development of an innovative and personalized school that draws upon our community to help our students learn and grow both academically, socially, and with a personalized college and/or career readiness.
Big Picture Schenectady will empower students to pursue their passions in an environment that supports independent thinking. We will graduate curious learners who have developed a plan for personal growth based on real world interests and experiences.
Big Picture Schenectady strives to be viewed and utilized as a resource in our community. We continue to develop positive interactions with surrounding communities as we break educational norms. We are in constant pursuit of improvement and our progress is student driven. Students will always be at the center of learning and we commit to honoring ONE STUDENT AT A TIME.
Big Picture Schenectady students design a life of their choosing alongside caring adults and will create individual learning plans based upon their interests and passions. The student and their advisor link the individual learning plan with the New York State learning standards and performance indicators. Students will demonstrate proficiency of learning standards through project and problem based learning experiences.
Students attending Big Picture Schenectady will graduate with a New York State Regents diploma. Big Picture students are required to earn an equal number of credits and take the same Regents exams as students in a traditional school setting.
What happens at Big Picture Schenectady?
Students participate in a daily advisory period for 80 minutes and will remain with their advisor and advisee group for all four years of high school
In advisory, students will work on projects tied to their interests and the International Big Picture Learning Standards
Students will regularly present to panels and committees on their learning and projects through exhibitions
Students explore their community and interests during regular “leave to learn” opportunities
Students will be paired with caring mentors in a field of interest and participate in internships beginning in 9th grade
Students have the ability to participate in Smart Scholar opportunities and earn college credit while in high school
Seniors will engage in a Capstone project

Grade 9 Courses:
Algebra I** (1 credit)
English 9 (1 credit)
Biology** (1 credit)
Global History 9 (1 credit)
Studio in Art (.5 credit)
Chinese I (1 credit)
Physical Education (.5 credit)
Internship: Career Exploration (1 credit)
Advisory: Freshmen Experience (1 cr.)
**ends in required Regents exam
Grade 10 Courses:
Geometry I (1 credit)
English 10 (1 credit)
Environmental Science (1 credit)
Global History 10** (1 credit)
Career and Financial Math (1 credit)
Studio in Art (.5 credit)
Health (.5 credit)
Physical Education (.5 credit)
Internship: Career Development (1 cr.)
Advisory: Sophomore Experience (1 cr.)
**ends in required Regents exam
What makes BIG PICTURE Different:
1.)Real World Learning: Weekly Leaving to Learn and Internship opportunities
2.) Personalization - Student-interest driven Individual Learning Plans
3.) Authentic Assessment - Student Exhibitions
4.) School Organization - Small school model to ensure personalized learning and student/family voice in decision making
5.) Advisory Structure - Extended time daily to build community and discover ourselves as learners
6.) School Culture - Culture of Care, Respect, and Belonging
7.) Leadership - Committed to new ways of thinking and executing the secondary education model
8.) Parent/Family Engagement - Reciprocal Support
9.) Career/College Partnership - Preparation and Support with Schenectady Connects and local partnerships
10.) Professional Development - Coaching through Big Picture Learning

Sarah Horaczek, Principal
Shanell Brown, Assistant Principal
422 Mumford St.
Schenectady, NY 12307
Call or text: 518-920-4924