Business, Marketing & Entrepreneurship Leadership Community

Mission Statement

To provide a diverse and rigorous curriculum consisting of elements from entrepreneurship, business administration, and management committed to educating and developing leaders and builders of enterprises. Students will harness their self-expression to become successful business professionals able to compete and thrive in an increasingly diverse workplace.


To promote student entrepreneurial passion and foster academic skills to create innovative thinkers. Students will receive equitable and inclusive instruction to graduate and become leaders within the global economy.


Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship students will be able to choose a pathway that focuses on Entrepreneurship, Business and Administrative Services, and Business Lastly, Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship  students will have the opportunity to pursue electives in the following areas: Accounting, Business Communication, Business Law, Computer Applications, and Human Resource Management.

Prospective Students

Students who are interested in pursuing any career in the business field. Interests may include, but are not limited to: starting their own business, entering the workforce in the world of business, pursuing a 2-year, 4-year, or advanced degree in an area related to business.