Students will be assessed upon registration to Schenectady High School through an interview and the NYSITELL (New York State mandated examination) if necessary. Those who receive a score that requires support, will attend the appropriate ENL class(es), based on their level of English proficiency. English Language Learners (ELL’s) attend ENL classes until they test proficient on the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT).
The program is designed to increase students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills to a level equivalent to that of their native speaking peers and those needed to succeed in life in the United States. These skills will be developed through the use of authentic reading materials, content area concepts, as well as materials similar to those used in the ELA classes. ELA standards are the basis, hence, students will be required to read literary and informational texts (both authentic and based on concepts from content area classes), write for multiple audiences, tasks and purposes, and listen and speak in various collaborative discussions.
All ELL’s must pass all of the required Regents examinations in order to earn a diploma in New York State. This includes the English Language Arts Common Core exam that all 11th grade students are required by New York State to take and pass. All ELL’s will have at least one co-taught content class. These classes are taught by a content area teacher, as well as an ENL teacher.