The Physical Education Curriculum in the Schenectady City School District is a progressive program that builds upon experiences gained throughout a child’s elementary and middle school years cumulating in the High School Physical Education Program.
There is increasing recognition of the importance of living an active, healthy life and of the need to make informed, responsible decisions. The Schenectady High School Physical Education Curriculum addresses the importance and benefits of a healthy and physically active lifestyle. Every student, regardless of physical ability or background, has the opportunity to pursue and enjoy these benefits, which in turn will help motivate them toward a life-long commitment to physical activity. Significant opportunities for learning social skills important for cooperation and individual success are also addressed through physical education.
Major areas of study included at the High School level may include, but are not limited to the following:
Fitness Activities
Rec./Project Adventure
Floor Hockey
Team Handball
Water Aerobics
Track and Field
Weight Training
Self Defense
Basic Swimming
Aquatic Games
Tae Bo
A student must successfully complete eight (8) semesters of Physical Education in order to graduate from Schenectady High School. Physical Education must be taken each semester from grades 9 Through 12 in order to meet the New York State requirements. 1/4 credit is earned each semester, giving a total of the two credits, which are needed to meet graduation requirements.
Students assigned In School suspension shall receive written assignments which must be completed that day in order to receive credit.
Students may be excused with a parental/guardian request for one day. Excuses presented to the Physical Education teacher may be referred to the nurse for medical evaluation. Any student who needs to be excused for additional days must obtain a medical excuse from a physician. The medical excuse should be presented to the nurse, who processes the information, and informs the Physical Education teacher of the restrictions and the duration for the student. Every effort should be made to obtain specific restrictions from the Physician so the student may participate in the Wellness class, specifically designed to meet the students’ needs. Students who are medically excused are still required to dress for class. All students not able to participate will be provided with written work which must be completed that day in order to receive credit.
Students are expected to follow all adult directions. Students are to abide by the rules of the school, the teacher, as Well as the rules of the game. Students are expected to treat their classmates with dignity and respect. Good sportsmanship, cooperative skills and positive attitudes toward others are stressed at all times.
Required religious coverings are permitted based on recognized traditions.
The following district- wide Physical Education Policies exist for the health and safety of our students and their classmates:
Tied sneakers must be worn.
No Food, No drink or gum is not allowed in the gym, locker room or pool.
Proper attire must be worn in order to participate in class. Properly secured athletic footwear is required. Unacceptable footwear includes, but is not limited to, the following: hiking boots, roller-skate sneakers, open back sneakers, high wedge or elevated sneakers. All other district policies concerning dress are in effect.
Students participating in aquatic activities should keep the following guidelines in mind. Girls must wear one piece bathing suits, boys should wear shorts or a bathing suit with a mesh lining. Baggy or long gym shorts are not acceptable. Students may wear a grey or white tee shirt in the shallow end. They are not permitted, for safety reasons, to swim in the deep end while wearing a tee shirt.
All jewelry must be removed (i.e. necklaces, earrings, bracelets, watches, etc.) Medical bracelets, necklaces or religious medals that cannot be removed must be taped down so they can be read. Small loop earrings, posts, or studs should be removed or be covered with tape so that the danger of injury is reduced. ALL FACIAL PIERCINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS MUST BE REMOVED.
Students who are absent will be allowed to make up the credit. It is the student’s responsibility to make these arrangements the next time they attend the class. Students can make up classes by attending another Physical Education class during their study hall. In the rare case, students who do not have a study hall can make up the credit after school during their physical education teacher’s office hours, or by doing a written packet challenging their reading and comprehension skills on topics related to PE.
The high school course descriptions presented here communicate the essence of the high school physical education experience. The content articulates the knowledge, skills and confidence students need to maintain meaningful physical activity throughout their lifetime. The course sequence provides a blueprint for delivering the content in a manner that equips students to make a successful transition from the physical education instructional program to participation in physical activity during adulthood.
The High School Physical Education Curriculum provides opportunities for all students in grades 9-12.
These courses will focus on providing students with an opportunity to understand and experience the benefits of physical activity in their life and to encourage them to develop healthy lifestyles habits. They will engage in activities that can be continued outside of school and in their community. The major components of fitness will be addressed: cardio-respiratory, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition. Students will experience cooperative, competitive, non-contact, and contact activities. Activities will include but not limited to ultimate games, volleyball, badminton, pickleball, weight training, fitness activity, cricket, softball, floor hockey, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, handball, football, yoga, tennis, golf, disc golf, and archery. This course will also incorporate the Sport Ed Model philosophies using team sport activities in particular units. The Sport Ed Model uses advanced skill demonstration, strategy and understanding of team sport concepts to help students learn and appreciate the many facets of team development and organization. Students will be guided into actively engaging in a variety of roles associated with team operations, such as coaching, officiating, planning practice and drills for skill development. Active participation will also lead to opportunity to address conflict resolution and sportsmanship standards which should be integrated into lifestyle habits.
Participants who choose the aquatic option are expected to be prepared to swim for all PE classes. Course focus will include basic water skills and survival techniques, stroke instruction, aquatic games, snorkeling, canoeing and kayaking. Those participants who have been placed by guidance for wellness activities will be expected to dress for class and will focus on the basic premises taught for swimming as well as instruction concerning personal fitness techniques. Students with no swim experience can join!
Student athletes (Varsity only) will have the option of opting out of a semester PE class due to their participation on a school athletics team. Once students have officially joined a roster, they will have a limited time to request to opt out of PE for that semester. There are additional criteria, therefore interested students should see their School Counselor for more information.
Health is a required subject for all students. Students must complete a one-half unit course in order to be eligible for graduation.
Open to grades 10, 11 and 12
All students must successfully pass Health Education, as it is a State mandated program. Health Education is a 20-week course that focuses on seven skill areas. The skills include self-management, communication, decision-making, planning and goal setting, stress management, relationship management and advocacy. These skills when mastered, enable individuals to enhance personal, family and community health and safety. The following content areas are woven throughout the curriculum: HIV/AIDS, tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, nutrition, disease, safety and first aid, and human development.