International Baccalaureate (IB)

To earn an IB diploma a student must complete:
Earn a composite of 24 out of a possible 45 points
A composite score is determined by adding exam scores from all six subject exams to the Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay scores
The total number of points possible per exam is 7
A student must earn a total of 12 points in their higher level classes, with no score being lower then 3, to be eligible for the Diploma
The total number of points possible from Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay combined score is 3
Complete three Higher Level Courses
A higher level course is a two year course
Students must
Complete an Internal Assessment in each higher level course
Earn a minimum score of 3 on the IB exam in each higher level course
Complete three Standard Level Courses
A standard level course is a one year course
Students must
Complete an Internal Assessment in each standard level course
Complete the IB exam in each standard level course
Complete Creativity, Action and Service
Complete course work in Theory of Knowledge
Complete a 4000 word Extended Essay on a topic of the student’s choosing
If you have questions, please contact Wendy Ausfeld, Program Coordinator, at 518-918-8443 or email ausfeldw@schenectady.k12.ny.us