Special Education


Special education is specifically designed instruction that meets the unique needs of students who have disabilities.  Special education is provided at no cost to parents and can include special education instruction in the classroom, at home, or in other out-of-district settings such as a hospital or institution.  Children with disabilities are eligible for special education and related services when they meet the criteria of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which guarantees a “free, appropriate public education” to children with disabilities and mandates that, to the “maximum extent appropriate,” they be educated with their nondisabled peers in the “least restrictive environment”.  IDEA provides 13 disability categories under which a child may be eligible for special education or related services.

Transition Consultation Services is a direct service available to all special needs juniors and seniors who are pursuing Regents/Local diplomas, CDOS, or SACC Credential Certificates. Services include orientation and referral to adult/ postsecondary services such as service coordination, ACCESSVR (vocational rehabilitation), and support services on college campuses.

Special education programs at Schenectady High School include: Consultant Services, Integrated Co-Teaching, Special Class Learning Center, Special Class Life Skills, Intensive Skills, Social Development FLEX, Social Development SUPER, Resource Room.


  • Consultant services (20:1)

  • Resource Room (5:1)

  • Integrated Co-Teaching (12:1)

  • Special Class Learning Center (15:1:1)

  • Social Development —Mental Health, Academic, Behavior/Social Skills(12:1:2)

  • Life Skills (12:1:1)

  • Intensive Skills (12:1:2)

  • Career Explorations 1 & 2 LSI (12:1:1), 1 & 2 LC  (15:1:1)

  • District SWEP & Community SWEP