Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Leadership Community
Mission Statement
The mission of the STEM Leadership Community is to develop career and college ready students through rigorous coursework, the development of critical thinking, and authentic learning experiences with collaborative community partnerships.
STEM Leadership Community members are innovators, creators, and problem solvers who will be leaders in a technologically advanced world.
Prospective Students
The STEM Leadership Community prepares students for future career in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Through rigorous and engaging coursework, students learn about a variety of opportunities for future jobs and gain valuable skills to be employable in the STEM field. Students who graduate from the STEM LC will complete 4 years of Math and Science courses. In addition, students will select electives from technology, computer science, networking and IT courses. In their senior year, students will complete a Capstone Project on a STEM topic of their choice. Students in STEM LC will have access to local professionals in the field, partnerships with community based organizations, and the opportunity to gain entry level employment at local companies via our City Connects grant.
Prospective students are interested in college and career opportunities within the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM). Options may include but are not limited to pursuing a 2-year, 4-year, or advanced degree in the fields of STEM or other areas in the ever-changing landscape. Students will also have the opportunity to explore Career and Technical Education and pathways that can include military, trade schools, or going straight to the world of work.