School Board Members, Committees, and School Liaisons

Meet the 2024-2025 Board of Education

The Schenectady Board of Education is made up of seven unsalaried citizens elected to serve a three-year term. The Board also includes one non-voting student representative. This page includes Board of Education Members' contact information.  

2024-2025 Board of Education

Left to Right: Cathy Lewis, Alexandria Carver, Amanda Sponable-Pantalone, Nohelani Etienne (Vice President), Superintendent Carlos Cotto, Bernice Rivera (President), Vivian Parsons, Joyce Akhelume (Student Representative), Jamaica Miles

Board of Education Members and Student Board Representatives (SBR)

Bernice Rivera

Bernice Rivera


Bernice Rivera was elected to a third term on the board of education in 2023.  Her current term runs through 2026.

Board President Rivera is a member of the Audit Committee, Ad hoc Committee and Governance Guide Committee. She is also a NYS School Boards Association (NYSSBA) Voting Member and a member of the Teacher Center Policy Board.

Board President Rivera is liaison to Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School, Howe Elementary School and Schenectady High School

Email Board President Rivera:

Nohelani Etienne

Nohelani Etienne

Vice President

Nohelani Etienne was re-elected to a second term on the board of education in 2023.  Her current term runs through June 2026.

Board Member Etienne is a member of the Policy Committee. She is also a member of the Teacher Center Policy Board.

Board Member Etienne is liaison to Paige Elementary School, Oneida Middle School and Central Park Middle School.

Email Board Member Etienne:

Alexandria Carver

Alexandria Carver

Alexandria Carver has been a board member since 2024.  Her term runs through 2027

Board Member Carver is a member of the School Counseling Department Advisory Council and Governance Guide Ad hoc Committee.

Board Member Carver is a liaison to Van Corlaer Elementary School and Hamilton Elementary School.

Email Board Member Carver:

Cathy Lewis

Cathy Lewis

Cathy Lewis has been a board member since 2010.  She served as board president from 2010-2022.   Her current term runs through 2025.

Board Member Lewis is a member of the Audit Committee. She is also a NYSBBA Legislative Liaison.

Board Member Lewis is liaison to Pleasant Valley Elementary School and Zoller Elementary School.

Email Board Member Lewis:

Jamaica Miles

Jamaica Miles

Jamaica Miles has been a board member since 2021.  She was re-elected to a second term in 2024. Her current term runs through 2027.

Board Member Miles is a member of the Policy Committee.

Board Member Miles is liaison to Lincoln Elementary School, Mont Pleasant Middle School and Washington Irving.

Email Jamaica Miles:

Vivian Parsons

Vivian Parsons

Vivian Parsons was elected to her first term in 2022-2023. Her current term runs through 2025.

Board Member Parsons is a member of the Policy Committee.

Board Member Parsons is liaison to Woodlawn Elementary School and the Early College High School.

Email Vivian Parsons:

Amanda Sponable Pantalone

Amanda Sponable-Pantalone

Amanda Sponable-Pantalone was elected to the board of education in 2023.  Her current term runs through June 2026.

Board Member Sponable-Pantalone is a member of the Safety Committee.

Board Member Sponable-Pantalone is liaison to Keane Elementary School and Big Picture Schenectady.

Email Amanda Sponable-Pantalone:

Student Board Representatives (SBR)

Joyce Akhelume

Joyce Akhelume

Student Board Representative (SBR) President

Joyce Akhelume was selected to serve on the the board of education as a student representative in 2024.

Student Representative Akhelume is a member of the Governance Guide Ad hoc Committee and Liaison to the Superintendent Student Advisory Council (SAC) and the Student Leadership Council (SLC). She is SBR BOE Liaison to Schenectady High School and Van Corlaer Elementary School.

Jahnyce Sotomayer

Jahnyce Sotomayer

Student Board Representative (SBR) Vice President

Jahnyce Sotomayer was selected to serve on the board of education as a student representative during the 2024-2025 School Year.

Student Representative Sotomayer is SBR BOE Liaison to Hamilton Elementary School and Schenectady High School.

Cole Bogdanowicz-Wilson

Cole Bogdanowicz-Wilson

Student Board Representative (SBR) 2nd Vice President

Cole Bogdanowicz-Wilson was selected to serve on the board of education as a student representative during the 2024-2025 School Year.

Student Representative Bogdanowicz-Wilson is SBR BOE Liaison to Oneida Middle School, Zoller Elementary School, and Big Picture Schenectady.

Stephan Sukar

Stephan Sukar

Lead Student Board Representative (SBR)

Stephan Sukar was selected to serve on the board of education as a student representative during the 2024-2025 School Year.

Student Representative Sukar is SBR BOE Liaison to Schenectady High School, Central Park Middle School, and Paige Elementary School.

Isaiah Roberts

Isaiah Roberts

Lead Student Board Representative (SBR)

Isaiah Roberts was selected to serve on the board of education as a student representative during the 2024-2025 School Year.

Student Representative Roberts is SBR BOE Liaison to Early College High School and Proctors, King Elementary School, and Mont Pleasant Middle School.

Profile Videos

Contacting the Board of Education

Correspondence to the members of the board of education can also be directed to the clerk of the board as follows:

Let's Talk:   Contact the Clerk of the Board 

Michelle Eden, Clerk of the Board
Schenectady City School District
108 Education Dr.
Schenectady, NY  12303



518-370-8100 Ext. 76907

School Liaisons

The Board of Education maintains an Audit Committee and Policy Committee to meet its legal and fiduciary obligations. Board members also serve as representatives on various district committees and as liaisons to schools to enhance two-way communications and strengthen the connection between the governance of the district, families and community organizations.

2024-2025 Board of Education School Liaisons



Alexandria Carver

Van Corlaer Elementary School
Hamilton Elementary School
Freshman Academy

Nohelani Etienne

Paige Elementary School
Oneida Middle School
Central Park Middle School

Cathy Lewis

Pleasant Valley Elementary School
Zoller Elementary School

Jamaica Miles

Lincoln Elementary School
Mont Pleasant Middle School
Washington Irving

Vivian Parsons

Woodlawn Elementary School
Early College High School

Bernice Rivera

Howe Elementary School
Martin Luther King Elementary School
Schenectady High School

Amanda Sponable-Pantalone

Keane Elementary School
Big Picture Schenectady
Yates Elementary School


Audit Advisory Committee

The audit committee oversees and reports to the board on the annual audit of the district records as required by section 2116-C of Education Law. The role of the audit committee is advisory and any recommendations it provides to the board does not substitute for any required review and acceptance by the board of education. The annual audit report is prepared by an independent public accounting firm, reviewed by the audit committee, but not deemed final until accepted by the resolution adopted by the board of education. As pasted from regulation, it is the responsibility of the audit committee to:

(a)  provide recommendations regarding the appointment of the external auditor for the district;

(b) meet with the external auditor prior to commencement of the audit;

(c) review and discuss with the external auditor any risk assessment of the district's fiscal operations developed as part of the auditor's responsibilities under governmental auditing standards for a financial statement audit and federal single audit standards if applicable;

(d) receive and review the draft annual audit report and accompanying draft management letter and, working directly with the external auditor, assist the trustees or board of education in interpreting such documents;

(e) make a recommendation to the trustees or board of education on accepting the annual audit report; and

(f) review every corrective action plan to be developed by a school district as required by section twenty-one hundred sixteen-a of this article and assist the trustees or board of education in the implementation of such plan.

Policy Advisory Committee

The policy committee works with district administrators to review existing district policies and to propose new policies as needed. The role of the Policy Committee is to:

(a) Oversee the review of policies adopted by the School Board, and ensure they are in accordance with federal and state mandates;

(b) Establish priorities in policy review and adoption, in consultation with the Superintendent and the administration; Set goals and schedules for policy review and adoption;

(c) Evaluate suggestions for School Board policy and recommend development of policies for adoption.

District Wide School Safety Advisory Committee

The district wide school safety team develops the comprehensive district-wide school safety plan. Members include representatives from the BOE, students, teachers, administrators, parent organizations, school safety personnel and other school personnel. Health and safety committees are required under Part 155.4(d) and its main purpose is to adopt and amend a comprehensive district-wide school safety plan.

Wellness Advisory Committee

 A school wellness committee is an action-oriented advisory group that focuses on the health and well-being of students, staff, and families in a school community. The school wellness committee implements the district wellness policy and leads other health-related initiatives. School wellness committees may also:

• Monitor and evaluate the implementation of district health and wellness policies and programs

• Advise the school board or district on related school or community health issues

• Organize health-promoting programs or events in the district or community.

Governance Guide Adhoc or Task Force Committee

This committee will meet approximately 4 to 5 times to update, revise and complete the BOE handbook. The committee, if necessary, may decide to add additional dates if more time is needed to complete the handbook.
