April 26 2024

District Update Banner

Good afternoon,

Next Wednesday, May 1, Dr. Cotto will officially take over the superintendent post. As you probably know, he's been out and about, in our schools, meeting with school and department leaders, department membership, students, and community members. He's at many activities, events, and is in the community. He will continue these meetings moving forward in an effort to listen, learn and with focus on moving us forward and strengthening our community.

Next Friday, Dr. Cotto will share an introductory message and then will continue with the superintendent's brief moving forward in a variety of formats. He will continue to share his work, what he is focusing on, as well as, provide updates on district initiatives including capital project work, the strategic plan and anything pertinent each week.


On Wednesday evening, the Board of Education adopted a 2024-2025 budget proposal. The $255,267,298 budget reflects a 2.7% increase over the current year, will have no impact on the tax levy, and maintains all current program and staffing levels. This will be the sixth consecutive year that we've presented a budget with no tax implication. A budget hearing will be held on May 8. The budget vote and school board election will be held on May 21. Two board seats (currently held by Jamaica Miles and Erica Brockmyer) are up for election this year.

The May 21 ballot will also include two propositions for voters to consider:

The proposition for sale of a small portion of land located on Guilderland Ave. During the site preparation for construction at Van Corlaer Elementary School, we learned that a small corner of the a neighboring home sits on the edge of school property. This proposition asks voters to allow us to sell the land to the homeowner.

The ballot will also include a proposition authorizing the demolition and construction of an addition to Keane Elementary School and Pleasant Valley Elementary School. This is not a new project and will not impact the $300 million Capital Project, tax rate, or district's borrowing. This is SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act) compliance which is a review of potential environmental impacts prior to starting a project. This was not part of the original referendum which is why it must be approved now.

All budget presentations and updates are online here.


The Board of Education also approved the adoption of the Policy #7350 - Permissible Physical Intervention and Policy #7240 - Students Records Access & Challenge which addresses student records. Changes were made to Policy #7240 to add a section on transgender students to better align with laws and regulations.

As a reminder, the board approved the adoption of Policy #8272 Chromebook Policy on April 10 . Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, student Chromebooks will be kept in school buildings at all levels. Students and families will have the opportunity to opt in for home use by completing the Technology Loan Agreement.  Under this policy, students are responsible for the care of the Chromebooks they are assigned to use in school. Fees may be charged for damaged or lost devices.  Additionally, students will receive yearly instruction on the care of Chromebooks and Digital Citizenship and Literacy which will be aligned with the New York State Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards. 

MAY 24
The Board of Education approved May 24, the Friday prior to Memorial Day as a paid day off for all district faculty and staff.

Congratulations to Colleen Keough, the SCSD Teacher of the Year, who this week learned that she is one of just five candidates across the state to advance to the third round for New York State Teacher of the Year. As a round three candidate, the selection committee will be conducting a site visit in May. Please join us in wishing Ms. Keough the best moving forward. We are very proud of her.

Congratulations to Simone Miranda, Assistant Director of Innovation, Equity, and Engagement, who was presented with "The Champion Award" from the New York State Network for Youth Success for her advocacy efforts and support around after school, summer and expanded learning programs.

Photo of Colleen Keough

Colleen Keough

Photo of Simone Miranda

Simone Miranda

We also wish to congratulate Dominic DiMezza, a Schenectady High School senior, who last weekend was recognized for earning Eagle Scout honors. Dr. Cotto and Mr. DiCaprio were in attendance for Dominic's ceremony. Eagle Scout is the highest rank by Boy Scouts of America and is considered a tremendous honor. Please join us in congratulating Dominic on this accomplishment.

Photo of Dr. Cotto, Dominic DiMezza, and Joe DiCaprio

Photo of Dominic DiMezza

Our school district was awarded "Agency of the Year Award" for the school category recently at the CarePortal Conference. The conference connects agencies and partners across the country for networking and for sharing best practices for engaging and supporting children and families. The "Agency of the Year Award" serves to recognize the impact that is made in serving vulnerable children and families in their community. Schenectady City School District received many nominations and was the only finalist from New York. Our community school model played a huge part in our district winning this award.

Photo:  Community School Teams

Last week we congratulated the Mont Pleasant Middle School Seaperch team but failed to mention that Oneida had participating teams as well and one of the Oneida teams is advancing to the championship. We apologize for the omission and wish them much luck in the championship. Congratulations.


Dr. Cotto continued his meetings with school leaders. This week he met with Christina Howard from Pleasant Valley, John DeFazio from Mont Pleasant, Kerri Messler from Keane, Laurie Timmis from Lincoln, John Perreault from Woodlwn, Chris Chank from City as our Campus, and Dennis Green from Schenectady High School.

There was a principal's meeting earlier this week. Among the many topics, principals discussed school improvement plans, student absenteeism and a variety of processes and procedures.

Photo from the principals meeting

Dr. Cotto also met with the Operations and Maintenance Staff and held a meeting with the custodial engineers. He is interested in learning how things are going in their areas and what support he can provide to make any improvements.

Photo of Operations and Maintenance Staff

Photo of custodians at meeting

Dr. Cotto also met with a group of Mont Pleasant Middle School students this week to hear about their experiences and how things are going in middle school.

Dr. Cotto meeting with Mont Pleasant students

Photo:  Dr. Cotto and MPMS student Khalil Young

Dr. Cotto takes every opportunity he can to chat with students. He had the pleasure of meeting Khalil Young outside Mont Pleasant Middle School Thursday. Khalil is interested in gaming. We've got some great opportunities for Khalil in our gaming center at SHS.

Dr, Cotto stopped by to check on the swim program at Schenectady High School yesterday. By all accounts, swimmers were enjoying their time in the water.

Photo:  Swimmers at SHS Pool

Photo:  Swimmers at SHS Pool


Last weekend Dr. Cotto provided opening remarks at the 2024 My Brother's Keeper (MBK) Community Symposium at Schenectady High School. There was a tremendous turnout with more than 50 young men in attendance. The daylong event included workshops and activities, sporting events, and even a workout with Metabolic Meltdown. It was a great day of fun, partnership and learning. Thank you to Brian Ledbetter and the MBK team and fellows for an amazing day.

Photo:  MBK Symposium


We are excited for the launch of Shades of Sisterhood which will take place Saturday beginning at noon at Schenectady High School.

Shades of Sisterhood Invitation


Dr. Cotto attended the Schenectady Rotary mixer on Wednesday evening downtown. He also met with Dr. Moono, President of SUNY Schenectady earlier today.

Photo:  Dr. Cotto with Rotary Club

Next week Dr. Cotto is scheduled to meet with four school principals. He also has meetings scheduled with community groups and agency leaders over the next month including the Upper Union Street Neighborhood Association, Schenectady Mayor Gary McCarthy, Police Chief Eric Clifford, Ellis Hospital President and CEO Paul Milton as well as three board of education members.


Thank you to all our parents who have participated in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) survey and signed up for focus groups.  The survey is anonymous and is open through May 1.  The link has been emailed and texted to parents.  We will continue to send a few reminders before it closes. 

You can still sign up for focus groups which begin in May.  This link and the password to access the sign-up has also been shared with parents.   These groups will be facilitated by Tangible Development.  

Any parent who did not receive the email can contact us here.  


We are pleased to share that we will be holding a Unified Physical Education Celebration on June 11 from 9 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. at the Union College Fieldhouse. This is a celebration of inclusivity, teamwork and leadership. Thank you to Kim Pilla and our dedicated faculty and staff who have been working so hard planning this event.

Flyer:  Univited Physical Education Celebration

Thank you to all of our Administrative Professionals. Wednesday was Administrative Professionals Day! We know you are the force that keep everything running smoothly. We appreciate all you do for our staff, students, and families.

Happy Administrative Professionals Day

This week was Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week (APAW). Please join us by recognizing, appreciating, and advocating for those who work with young people before and after school and make a difference in the lives of our youth.

Afterschool professionals week

The fourth quarter marking period started this week.    Third quarter report cards will be sent home with elementary school students and mailed for secondary students on April 26.  


April 29: College and Career Week

Next week is SHS College and Career Week. There are events taking place every day during the week of April 29 at Schenectady High School. You can check out the scheduled of events here.

Schenectady Promise

Parents of seniors, please don't forget that on May 1 SUNY Schenectady, in collaboration with Schenectady High School, Ellis Medicine, and Schenectady Connects will be hosting the "Schenectady Promise" event. We will be hosting a special event for seniors in the afternoon at school and an event for parents and family members in the evening at 6 p.m.

As part of of the "Schenectady Promise," SUNY Schenectady is offering all graduating Class of 2024 Seniors automatic acceptance to SUNY Schenectady Community College. This ensures that all our students have a clear pathway to higher education.

During these events on May 1, SUNY Schenectady advisors will be available to assist students and their family members with the journey forward. Financial aid representatives will be on hand to guide you through the college financial assistance process. Ellis Medicine and Schenectady Connects will be on hand to offer support with resume writing, interviewing skills and other essential tools for employment readiness.

What is even more exciting is that there are college and career opportunities and possibilities, not only for our graduating seniors but also for you - parents and family members. Whether you are interested in attending college, looking to enhance your resume, or looking for a job, the tools, resources and services are here and available to you. Please stop by on May 1 at 6 p.m.

May 3
School Lunch Hero Day
When we say school nutrition professionals are heroes, we mean it! That’s why we celebrate them every spring with the annual School Lunch Hero Day.  Join schools across the country that are recognizing the difference these team members make for every child who comes their cafeteria. More here

2024-2025 Pre-K
We are still accepting 2024-2025 Pre-K Lottery Applications for 3 and 4 Year Olds.
Deadline is April 26, 2024. More here.

New York State Testing
April 30: Grades 5,7,8 Science Exam
May 7 and May 8: Grades 3,4,6, 8 Math Exam
May 9 and May 10: Grade 5 Math Exam

Parents of 8th Graders
This summer we will be holding a Freshman Experience Summer Transitional Program for incoming freshmen. We will also be hosting a "Throwback" Family Kick-off event to welcome families. Please complete this information form which will help us plan for our freshmen event. It will only take a minutes or two to complete. Click here.

IB Art Exhibit

Flyer:  Baseball Skills Camp

Register for the Baseball Skills Camp Here

The Prom Shop

Sketch Comedy


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PREVIOUS BRIEFS: For the index of Volume 1, 2 and 3 briefs click here.