Employee Assistance Program
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new free benefit for you and your family members: an Employee Assistance Program -- or EAP, for short.
Your EAP offers a broad array of tools and services to help with problems that might affect your personal or work life.
Just a few examples of these include:
Marriage & Family ▪ Stress ▪ Legal Problems ▪ Debt ▪ Childcare ▪ Elder Care ▪ Grief
Pet Problems ▪ Education Planning ▪ Scholarships ▪ Depression ▪ Taxes ▪ Wills ▪
Smoking Cessation ▪ Wellness ▪ Adoption ▪ Substance Abuse ▪ Mental Health ▪ Divorce
In addition, your EAP offers hundreds of personal and professional development opportunities, from trainings to one-on-one telephonic coaching in the following areas:
Certified Financial Coaching ▪ Balancing Life at Work & Home ▪ Resilience ▪ Effective Communication ▪
Home Purchasing ▪ Student Debt ▪ Yoga & Relaxation for Beginners ▪
Workplace Conflict ▪ Retirement ▪ Succeeding as a Supervisor
Your EAP also provides a comprehensive Wellness Coaching benefit designed to help you tackle issues that are most detrimental to your overall health and well-being. The program includes assistance with: losing weight, improving nutrition, getting fit, stopping tobacco use, and reducing stress.
To access your EAP, simply call the toll-free number 1-800-252-4555 or 1-800-225-2527 to talk with a counselor or coach who will work with you to address your issues. You can also visit your EAP online at www.EducatorsEAP.com for thousands of problem-solving resources and self-help tools.
Your EAP is a free benefit and your confidentiality is assured. No information about your use of the program is given to us as your employer unless you sign a release of information authorizing this.