My Brother's Keeper
We are working to change the narrative for boys and young men of color in our community.
My Brother's Keeper Program Specialist
Brian Ledbetter
Phone Number: 518-888-4784
Schenectady accepted the New York State My Brother's Keeper Community Challenge and is a member of the NYSMBK Community. We commit to taking the necessary actions to develop and executive programs and strategies designed to improve outcomes for boys and young men of color, and all youth, to help them realize their full potential.
About MBK
President Obama launched the My Brother’s Keeper initiative to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and ensure that all young people can reach their full potential.
Through this initiative, the Administration is joining with cities and towns, businesses, and foundations who are taking important steps to connect young people to mentoring, support networks, and the skills they need to find a good job or go to college and work their way into the middle class.
My Brother’s Keeper is focused on six milestones:
Getting a Healthy Start and Entering School Ready to Learn
All children should have a healthy start and enter school ready – cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Reading at Grade Level by Third Grade
All children should be reading at grade level by age 8 – the age at which reading to learn becomes essential.
Graduating from High School Ready for College and Career
All youth should receive a quality high school education and graduate with the skills and tools needed to advance to postsecondary education or training.
Completing Postsecondary Education or Training
Every American should have the option to attend postsecondary education and receive the education and training needed for the quality jobs of today and tomorrow.
Successfully Entering the Workforce
Anyone who wants a job should be able to get a job that allows them to support themselves and their families.
Keeping Kids on Track and Giving Them Second Chances
All youth and young adults should be safe from violent crime; and individuals who are confined should receive the education, training, and treatment they need for a second chance.
Schenectady MBK Action Plan
Click here to download
Schenectady's MBK Action Plan
Schenectady MBK is recognized by the NYSMBK Community.
Letter recognizing Schenectady has taken the steps and is welcomed as a NYSMBK Community.
If you are interested in joining My Brother's Keeper, please contact Brian Ledbetter, Schenectady's MBK Program Specialist by emailing