Happy Friday,
I hope you all had a great week upon returning from Spring break. It’s hard to believe we only have nine weeks of school left.
I want to start my brief today by revisiting the events and threat to Mont Pleasant Middle School earlier in the week. As we shared with you at the time, there was a threat called in and left on a voicemail before the start of the school day. Like with any threat, we took the call seriously, and contacted the Schenectady Police. The police responded immediately and launched a comprehensive investigation and threat assessment. Mont Pleasant students were escorted to other nearby school locations. Law enforcement from several agencies assisted in a thorough investigation. Once police determined that school was safe, students were escorted back to Mont Pleasant. When events like this happen, we will always do our best to communicate with you and let you know what is happening. We ask that you do not go to school while a safety event is in process unless you are asked to. Thank you to the police, our safety team, school faculty, staff, and administration, and our students and parents for your cooperation. While events such as these are never pleasant, they are always taken seriously and fully investigated. As you have probably heard there have been quite an uptick in false reports not just around the country but in the state and region. As always, we ask if you see or hear something that doesn't seem right, to please report it. Also, we ask that you talk with your children about the seriousness of making any threats. There are serious consequences, including charges of terrorism, when any type of threat is made. It takes all of us to keep our schools, community and children safe.
I'm very pleased to share that the Board of Education adopted a $265,267,298 budget for the 2023-2024 school year at Wednesday's meeting. The spending plan reflects an increase of $26 million or 10.92 percent over the current year with no impact on the tax levy.
2023-2024 is the third and final year phasing in full implementation of Foundation Aid as well as $17 million in Coronavirus Response Relief and approximately $41 million in American Rescue Plan funds.
New York State's full funding of Foundation Aid makes a significant difference in how our budget is shaped and thankfully continues to serve our efforts to boost academic outcomes for our students while also providing increased social emotional and behavioral health services.
The 2023-2024 Budget also supports the continued implementation of the secondary schools redesign including our “City as Our Campus” plan and the introduction of Big Picture Learning Schenectady, the continued development of Community Schools, extended learning time, enhanced professional development for all faculty and staff, and expanded athletic opportunities.
I'll include the Budget Book in my brief next week and post it online.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support.
Since we are poised to receive $45 million in Foundation Aid, we are required to provide an opportunity for our school community to provide feedback on our plan for spending Foundation Aid and Contract for Excellence Funding. We have outline our summary and invite feedback through Let's Talk. The information and feedback form is available here.
Budget documents and presentations are available here.
Voter Information
Vote on Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Polls will be open Noon - 9 p.m.
Polling Locations:
Yates Elementary School, 725 Salina Street, 12308
Howe Elementary School, 1065 Baker Avenue, 12309
Paige Elementary School, 104 Elliott Avenue, 12304
Schenectady High School, 1445 the Plaza, 12308
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, 918 Stanley St., 12307
Mont Pleasant Middle School, 1121 Forest Road, 12303
Fulton School Building, 408 Eleanor Street, 12306
Woodlawn Elementary School, 3311 Wells Avenue, 12304
Interested in Running for a Seat on the Board of Education?
Three seats are up for election on May 16, 2023. Each seat is for a three-year term
Click here to find out how to get on the ballot.
Petitions must be filed by April 26, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact the clerk of the board at 518-370-8100 Ex 40105 or email morrism@schenectadyschools.org.
On the May 16th Ballot
Five Items
In addition to the 2023-2024 Budget, Schenectady voters are asked to also consider the following propositions on May 16. Items will appear on the ballot in the following order:
2023-2024 Budget $265,267,298, No impact on tax levy
Schenectady Revitalization Plan 2030
When you head to the polls on May 16, we are asking you to please also consider the Schenectady Revitalization Plan 2030. If approved, this plan would bring up to $300 million worth of building renovations and upgrades to our schools over the next seven years. This will require super majority (60%) approval. Tax Impact: ZeroPurchase of Keane Elementary School Building (Currently Owned by St. Luke's)
Voters are being asked to consider a proposal to purchase Keane Elementary School from St. Luke's. The district has been leasing the school building since July 2007 and is now seeking to purchase the school building for a one-time cost of $2 million. Purchase of this property would serve to provide much needed space for student enrollment and in the long-term allow for expansion. Tax Impact: Zero
4. Purchase of 530 Liberty Street, Schenectady for location of Family and Community Engagement Center (FACE)
The district has identified the property at 530 Liberty St. as a purchase property for the Family and Community Engagement Center. The cost is $2.9 million. If approved by taxpayers, the facility will be used for the district's Family and Community Engagement Center (FACE) with the purpose of offering a welcoming first experience in the district and a one-stop shop for student registration, transportation, and other services and experiences. This center will also be used in the evening and on weekends for various community engagement events. We will also provide technology for families to use to register or to fill out an application for employment. Tax Impact: Zero
5. Elect Three Members to the Board of Education
Terms for board members Bernice Rivera, Nohelani Etienne, and Princella Learry will end on June 30, 2023. Ms. Learry has announced that she will not be running for another term.
Earlier this week, I had the honor of attending a semiconductor event with Governor Hochul and SUNY Chancellor Dr. King.

I also enjoyed the Elevating Student Voices Youth Summit on Thursday at Proctors.

Yesterday, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Pepper Butler, a member of the Schenectady High School Class of 2023 and the artist behind the new Patriot Pride mural. Pepper andPainting and Sculpture teacher Thomas Sarnacki met with administrators to discuss the vision for the piece, and Pepper went through multiple rounds of revision before presenting her final work. Watch for this artwork on t-shirts and coffee mugs soon.
Watch a short video of Superintendent Soler and Pepper discussing the piece.

You can still purchase tickets for the 2023 Education Celebration Gala which will be held on Wednesday, April 26 at 5:30 p.m. at the GE Theater at Proctors.
Crystal Apple award winners will be recognized.
Click here to purchase your tickets.
The Schenectady Education Foundation has provided funded for more than 350 creative and diverse projects spanning all grade levels and subjects.

Career Jam at SHS will allow community members and students grade 9-12 to explore local career pathways through hands-on skills demos! May 4th is parent and community night, then students will be participating all day on May 5.

In the News

Last Friday, Schenectady High School Student Jomar Moilanari,hit the first tee shots of the season with Mayor Gary McCarthy.
Read the Daily Gazette story here.

Happy Eid al-Fitr to those in our community who celebrate. Eid al-Fitr means "the feast of breaking the fast" which in this instance is Ramadan. Muslims around the world celebrate the festival of Eid al-Fitr to make the end of the holy month.
Reminder: Tomorrow is ScrabbleRama at Schenectady High School.
Have a great weekend.
Anibal Soler, Jr.
Superintendent of Schools

This week's featured alumnae is Class of 2020 graduate, Narayane Rambharose, who currently lives in Tennessee and works as an EMS driver while going through paramedic school. She credits her experiences in AFJROTC with inspiring her career choice. "Chief Thompson and Col. Ritmo inspired me because every time I was down they always had my back. In a way, the entire AFJROTC class was a giant family and no matter what they kept pushing to be the better versions of ourselves. I am grateful for all of the community service, drills, and other activities that I've been able to do, and the bond and memories I created with some really amazing friends."
Would you like to be featured?
If you are an alumni of SCSD and would like to be featured, let us know by completing this online form.

I know many in our community have been waiting for the Pre-K lottery applications to become available. Today is the day!
If you have a child who will be 3 years old on or before December 1, please complete this lottery application.
If your child will be 4 years on on or before December 1, please complete this lottery application.
Applications are due on May 2, 2023.
Information on the lottery and process, including the registration checklist, frequently asked questions and how to contact us, is available here.

All SCSD Employees are invited to participate in the the "Workforce Team Challenge" on May 18 at 6:25 p.m. at the Empire State Plaza. All abilities welcome. You can walk or run the 3.5 mile course.
Register online by May 1
Earlier this week the Visual and Performing Arts Leadership Community hosted Flame The Band, a group of musicians entirely composed of people with varying intellectual and developmental disabilities. Check out the photos from Principal Green.

The following were appointed by the Board of Education on April 19. If you are new to the district, "Welcome to Schenectady.
Barbara Sanders, Speech/Remedial, Howe & Lincoln
Adult Educator
Geovanny SantaMaria, WIEC
Middle Management
Norah Capron, Nurse Manager
Beverly Healey, IPS IV, SHS
Anne Osborn, IPS IV, SHS
Operations and Maintenance
John White, Maintenance Worker
School Safety Officers
Matthew Guthinger, WIEC
Security Monitor
Luis Silva, Oneida
Lunch Monitors
Karen Anderson, Zoller
Life Guards
Abigail Sellnow, SHS
Emma Sellnow, SHS
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