March 6, 2024: The Board of Education announced that Dr. Carlos M. Cotto, Jr. is selected as the next Superintendent of Schenectady Schools. More here

Schenectady City School District Superintendent Anibal Soler Jr. has resigned to accept a position elsewhere effective April 30, 2024.  The Board of Education is discussing an approach for finding the next superintendent with the options being to select an internal candidate or launching a national search (which would require the services of a consultant/search firm). 

The board acknowledges that one of the most important responsibilities of a board of education is to hire the Superintendent.

The board is committed to:

  • Ensuring transparency and open communication

  • Encouraging engagement and input through a variety of ways including Let’s Talk and an on-line survey

January 10, 2024:  Board President Rivera announced that the board had received Mr. Soler’s resignation and that the board will discuss next steps.  Video of meeting.  The Board of Education entered into an executive session following the regular meeting agenda to a

January 24, 2024:  The Board of Education held a public work session discussing the options for selecting a superintendent.  Board members shared their thoughts and individual views regarding how to proceed. Attorney Douglas Gerhardt spoke about the pros and cons of hiring an internal candidate and launching a national search.  He also spoke about the differences between an open search and closed search.  The Board of Education entered into an executive session to discuss a particular person or persons. You can view the meeting here.  

Process for School Community Input and Engagement

January 2024:
  Board members held interviews and discussion with members of the Executive Leadership Team, elicited feedback from the bargaining unit leaders and district clerks, and had informal conversations with district faculty, staff, students, and community members.   They also received input,  including suggestions and ideas, through email and Let’s Talk. Board members continue to encourage and welcome input from stakeholders via phone calls, email, and Let's Talk

January 30 - February 11, 2024:  School Community Survey
A community survey launched January 30.  The survey is available
The results of the survey will be shared after February 11. 

February 7, 2024: Board of Education Meeting. Board encourages and welcomes public comments. If you can not attend the meeting, comments can be submitted to the clerk.

February 2024: The goal is to identify and interview potential candidates

Next Steps

The Board of Education will make a determination on how to proceed following the collection of input.  The Board of Education will update the school community at the February 28 work session. If any special meetings are scheduled prior to this, an announcement will be made.