WEEK ENDING September 1, 2023| VOLUME 3 ISSUE NO. 1

Back to School Reminders
Please note there is a change to the elementary school schedule. School Hours in 2023-2024 are as follows:
Elementary School (Pre-K through Grade 5): 7:45 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Middle School (Grades 6-8): 8:25 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
High School (Grades 9-12): 8:25 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Letter to Families
Click here to download the letter and calendar that was mailed to all families in August.
Contact Information
Please be sure your contact information is always up to date. We will be sending notifications, reminders, news and updates using push notifications, email, phone and text messages. It's important that we can reach you. Please contact your child's school if you need to update your contact information. School contact information is on the backside of the calendar.
Breakfast and Lunch
We are pleased to let you know that our district will be implementing a meal certification option available to schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs for the 2023-2024 School Year. That means all students in any Schenectady City School District Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge each day of the school year. No further action is required by you. Your children will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application. If you have any questions, please contact our Food Service Manager.
You should have received "back to school" information from your child's teacher or school. If you have not received anything, please let them know.
You can reach us through Let’s Talk 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Submit your question, concern, or idea by going to our website and clicking on the Let’s Talk button on the right-hand side or by texting 518-900-7318.
It's been an exciting and very busy summer. During the month of August, 8th graders attended the Gear Up Program at Oneida Middle School. If you have a child who is in 8th grade, you'll be hearing more about Gear Up. Many of our schools held new student orientations and welcome back events over the last few weeks. We also welcomed approximately 125 new teachers and clinicians at New Teacher Orientation earlier this week. Below are photos from a few of our events.
While many of our administrators, maintenance staff (who have been working tirelessly to prepare our schools for opening day), and other staff members worked over the summer, we are excited to welcome all faculty and staff back on Tuesday.
New Teacher Orientation
For photos and more, visit our website.
Thank you to First New York Federal Credit Union and the Schenectady Educational Foundation for providing our new teachers with gif cards for classroom supplies.

Schenectady High School
We had a great turnout of families and students during Thursday's Freshmen Connection orientation. SHS and Freshmen Academy staff are ready to thrive in 9.

Paige Pre-K Playdate

Back to School BBQ at Keane

Howe New Student Orientation

The 518 Unity Cup has been going on all summer. The finale was held on the turf field at Schenectady High School Thursday evening.

Congrats to our high school seniors who worked hard over the summer to earn a high school diploma. Persistence and commitment pays off. Each student has their own story and we are proud of them. A ceremony was held on August 24 at Schenectady High School.

P-EBT Food Benefits
SCSD Educational Foundation
Nominations for awards being accepted
The Schenectady City School District Educational Foundation is planning the annual Education Celebration which will be held at Proctors on April 11, 2024. The foundation will be recognizing an Outstanding Graduate of the Schenectady schools and an individual or organization providing important service to the students and community in Schenectady. If you have someone in mind for either of these awards, please complete the nomination by following this link: https://www.scsdef.org/awards/nominations"
I wish you a great start to the new school year and look forward to seeing you soon.
Anibal Soler, Jr.
Superintendent of Schools
Congratulatons and Welcome
The following were appointed by the Board of Education in August. If you are new to the district, "Welcome to Schenectady."
Jason Belknap, Cohort Principal, SHS
Stephen Crouse, Assistant Director of Special Education
John DeFazio, Principal, Mont Pleasant MS
Corie Hart-Nelson, Assistant Principal, SHS
Daniel Hepp, Assistant Principal, SHS
Clarisse Kaufman, Assistant Principal, Lincoln ES
Nicole Martin Coordinator of Student Support Services
Charles Paravells, Assistant Principal, SHS
Emily Tashjan, Assistant Principal, SHS
Assistant Nurse Manager
Kavita Ramdehal
Human Resources Specialist
Jenny Fink
Restorative Practices Specialist
Sebesany Rios
Senior Payroll Account Clerk-Typist
Rajwantie Sukram
School Safety & Contract Center Technician
Andrew Holland
Marion (Marnie) Pagano
School Safety Officer
Nicolle Anderson, SCLA
Tracey Canty, SHS
Zackery Deering, SHS
Janetha Griffin, SHS
Mitchell Harvard, SHS
Timothy Kirch, SHS
Richard Merlino, SHS
Christopher Parsons, SHS
John Sirles, SCLA
Security Monitors
Roscoe Adams
Stefanie Bartley, Oneida MS
Tesa Beddow, Mont Pleasant MS
Karen Boakye, Zoller ES
Erin Decker, Van Corlaer ES
Gangaram Dookie, SHS
Denise Felton
Brandon Fisher, Oneida MS
Miguel Flores, SHS
Sheleah Ford, Keane ES
Nyemiah Greggs, Hamilton ES
Ines Irizarry, Keane ES
Kaiheem Johnson-Morton
Vincent Jones, Hamilton ES
Emily Lilac, Central Park MS
Joyann Massiah, Central Park MS
Taneika Matthews, Zoller ES
Emanuel Mayben, SCLA
Nicole McGraw, Oneida MS
Megan Rose
Michael Rourke, SHS
Nikeya Slaughter, SHS
Carmen Soto, SHS
Tatichi Tate, Mont Pleasant MS
Daniel Voris, Woodlawn ES
Mia Beck, Physical Education, Lincoln ES
Amy Beckett, Marttin Luther King, Jr. ES
Nora Buckley, Special Education, Paige ES
Peter Cavana, World Languages, SHS
Dylan Conklin, School Psychologist, Districtwide
Kaitlin Deigan, Howe ES
Steven DeLuca, Physical Education, SCLA
James Duffy, Physical Education, Paige
Brianna Forkel, Van Corler ES
Ellen Gleason, Speech
Heinz Granderath, Social Studies, SHS
Brianna Fields, Social Studies, Oneida MS
Farzana Nazrana, Mathematics, SHS
Ella Sabatino, Physical Education, Keane ES
Carina Seager, Woodlawn & Zoller ESs
Jennifer Straniti Schmolz, School Psychologist
Bridget Torres, English, Central Park MS
Teaching Assistant
Virginia Abbruzzese, Howe ES
Glenda Comma-Quail, Pleasant Valley ES
Student Engagement & School Attendance Specialist
Jamie Gentile
Corisha Johnson
Deon Thomas
Katie Adamek, Senior Account Clerk Typist
Lisa David, IPS I, Yates ES
Linda Evans, IPS I, Pleasant Valley ES
Kulkiran Katwaroo, IPS I, Hamilton ES
Denise Lehman, IPS I, Van Corlaer ES
Anisa Ramdass, IPS II, Pleasant Valley ES
Maintenance Mechanic
Julio Bender
Jesse Bird, SHS
Roy Boodram, MPMS
Nason Brooks, Van Corlaer ES
Sonya Cridelle, MPMS
Jonathan Green, Paige ES
Jannatul Ara, WIEC
Habithe Ferozedin, Martin Luther King, Jr. ES
Parent Liaisons
Julia Campbell, Hamilton ES
Lunch Monitors
Elvina Kirkland, Yates ES
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