Transportation Eligibility
Transportation services shall be provided to meet the needs of the students of the District within specified limits and areas established by the Board of Education.
Pupil transportation is a service provided by the Schenectady City School District for certain pupils with disabilities and to those resident public and private school pupils in grades Pre-K through 12 who live within the mileage ranges specified below:
a) Students in Grades Pre-K through 5 who attend elementary schools who are more than 1.0 but less than 5.5 miles from their legal residence; and
b) Students in Grades 6 through 12 who attend middle and high schools who are more than 1.5 but less than 5.5 miles from their legal residence.
Pre-kindergarten students must be four (4) years or more of age on or before December 1 in order to be eligible for transportation.
All student buses will be routed on public roads that are maintained by local highway departments unless the lack of maintenance makes it unsafe for drivers and students to be traversing these roads. Example of unsafe conditions would be flooding, road erosion, fallen trees/power lines, ice, snow and mud. Buses will not be routed on roads that have not been dedicated and/or maintained by city, county and/or state highway departments (private roads). Turnarounds will not be established unless adequate space is available to turn around without backing up. Generally speaking, cul-de-sacs, dead-end streets, parking lots and loops streets will not be serviced by school buses.
Transportation to and from Non Public Schools
The parent or guardian of a child residing in the School District who will attend a parochial, private, or charter school and desires that the child be transported to such a school during the next school year must submit a written request to the District no later than April 1 of the preceding year, or within thirty (30) days of moving into the District. No late request of a parent or guardian shall be denied where a reasonable explanation is provided for the delay. No late request will be granted if the District will incur additional costs to accommodate the late request. Also, under New York State Law, SCSD does not provide transportation to private/parochial schools when the school district is closed.
Transportation of Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities who are District residents shall be transported to the appropriate special service or program in accordance with the terms of their Individualized Education Plan or accommodation plan adopted pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Transportation of Non-Resident Students
Transportation will not be provided by the District to non-resident students admitted to attend District schools. Nonresident families must provide their own transportation.