Schenectady's Right to Read
Please join us December 11
Learn More about the Reading Crisis and Our Call to Action
We are calling on the Schenectady community to join our "Schenectady's Right to Read" campaign and call to action. Please attend our event on December 11 at Proctors GE Theater. A reception will be held from 4:30 - 5 p.m. followed by a screening of the the powerful film, "Right to Read," a discussion about the crisis and how everyone and anyone in our community can help. Refreshments will be served. REGISTER TO ATTEND
Right to Read is a film that shares the stories of an NAACP activities, a teacher and two American families who fight to provide our youngest generation with the foundational indicator of life-long success: the ability to read.
According to "Right to Read," 37% of 4th graders in the United State read "below basic." The Right to Read film is being shown across the country as a call to action to address what is called, "the greatest civil right issue of our time."
Learn more here.