Looking for Family Members of Mont Pleasant Graduates Who Died in World War II
The Schenectady City School District is looking for family members of the 86 Mont Pleasant High School graduates who died while serving in World War II.
If you are a family member or know how we can contact family members, please contact Steve Balogh at baloghs@schenectadyschools.org.
The list of Mont Pleasant graduates who died in service is here.
The district is planning a plaque rededication in honor of these 86 men who lost their lives.
The original plaque once hung in the Mont Pleasant High School hallway. The plaque was removed from the wall and placed in storage during one of the district Capital Projects at Mont Pleasant.
A ceremony, and plaque rededication will take place on May 31, 2024.
We would very much like to invite family members of these men, and their guests, to attend the ceremony. Please look over the list of names and ask around, so that we can extend an invitation to the ceremony. We are also seeking photos of these in men in uniform to use for a display during the ceremony.
List of MPHS Graduates Who Died in World War II
If you have any information about any of these men, please reach out to Steve Balogh as soon as possible at baloghs@schenectadyschools.org