Weapons Screening

The following was emailed to all Schenectady High School parents on December 26. if you did not receive our email, please be sure that we have correct contact information on file for you.

Dear Schenectady High School Families,

This letter is a follow-up to the email that we sent out on Thursday, December 19 regarding the installation and implementation of weapons screening systems at Schenectady High School following the holiday recess.   Just to reiterate, safety is always our top priority and these devices are being implemented as an additional layer of protection.
The schedule for implementation remains as follows:

January 2 and 3
Installation of the of weapon screening system and bag scanners
Training will be provided to Schenectady High School Safety Team

January 6 and 7
Soft implementation of weapons screening will occur.  Students will walk through the system, place items on bag scanners and learn the process and what to expect.

January 8
Full implementation.  All students will be expected to walk through the scanning systems, and place items on bag scanners.  Devices will be fully functional and expectations and rules apply.

To help students and families prepare, we are sharing two lists.  The first is a list of items that are allowed but must be placed in the student’s backpack or a tray before going through the scanner.  The second is a list of items that are not allowed.  

If a student attempts to pass any items that are not allowed through the scanner, it  will create a scanner alert and show specifically where the item is located.  A trained member of the school safety team will inspect the area. The provided list is not an all-inclusive list.  There may be other items that pose a health or safety threat that will be confiscated by security, staff, or police as required. 

The list of allowed items must be placed in the student backpacks or on a tray.  Students will be allowed to keep their jewelry and watches on.    See attached flyers with graphics for both the allowed and unapproved.

List of approved and not approved

Students will have an opportunity to discard “unapproved” items” prior to proceeding through the screening device when they arrive at school.  A box labeled “Unapproved Items” will be available and clearly marked in the hallway.  Students are encouraged to discard any items in this box before proceeding through the system.  Please encourage your students to follow the rules and to not bring unapproved items to school. Unauthorized items detected during the screening process will be considered a violation of the Code of Character, Conduct, and Support.

We will share short video clips of how the system operates and steps that will be followed following the holiday break and once the systems are in place.  

Also, please remind your students to be sure that they have their school ID with them at all times while on campus.  Upon arrival, all students will be required to show their school ID.  Students without an ID will be required to report to the E-Wing, Door 31 to obtain an ID before entering the high school.

While this process  is new for  the high school community and will require a period of adjustment, we remain committed to ensuring a smooth and seamless transition.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to submit them through Let’s Talk

We appreciate your continued support as we work together to create a safer school environment for all.

List of approved and not approved

Items allowed and not allowed

Related Communications:

Letter December 31 2024
Letter December 19 2024
Questions and Answers

Click here to watch a short video on how to walk through the weapons detector at Schenectady High School.