Dear Schenectady High School Families,
As we enter the new year, we are providing another reminder that the installation of the weapons screening systems will take place at Schenectady High School as students return on Thursday and Friday. The systems will be set up and our safety team members will receive training.
Our plan still includes a soft implementation for students on January 6 and 7. This is an opportunity for students to walk through the scanners, learn the process, what items need to be placed in backpacks and what happens when the scanner is alerted. We did provide a list of approved and unapproved items in our last email to you and posted it on our website.
We also posted a list of questions and answers regarding the implementation and process. These are questions that students have asked. We will continue to update the Q&A as new questions are raised.
We will begin full implementation on January 8. This means all students are expected to walk through the scanning system, and place items on bag scanners. Devices will be fully functional and expectations and rules apply.
The “unapproved items” box will be clearly marked in the entranceway. Students will have an opportunity to discard “unapproved” items” prior to proceeding through the screening device when they arrive at school. Please encourage your students to follow the rules and to not bring unapproved items to school. Unauthorized items detected during the screening process will be considered a violation of the Code of Character, Conduct, and Support.
Please remind your student to always bring their ID to school. Every student needs to show ID upon entry to school.
While we realize there will be an adjustment period, we do expect that the entry process will eventually become quick and seamless. We appreciate your patience.
Safety is always our top priority. Let’s continue to work together to ensure our schools are safe,
Related Communications:
Click here to watch a short video on how to walk through the weapons detector at Schenectady High School.