Did You Know...
Coming to school on time every day is important to your child's success and learning here at Keane! Missing just 10% of school, or 1-2 days per month, can make it harder for your child to gain foundational reading and math skills and build friendships with classmates!
What Can You Do?
Set a regular bedtime and morning routine - sometimes we get out of our routines in the summer - now is a great time to get back into school routines so you have a few weeks to practice!
Attend our orientations on August 25 from 10am-12pm OR September 6 from 3-4pm to meet your child's teachers, other classmates, and help reduce back to school jitters!
If you child does need to be absent - PLEASE contact your child's teacher before the start of the school day they will miss (or the night before). Letters letting you know who your child's teacher will be this coming school year are being sent home this week! Use the chart above to track your child's absences - aim to be under 10 absences for the entire school year!
We know that children that attend the year 95% or higher are more likely to be AT or ABOVE benchmark on all reading and math benchmarks!